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Browser extension

Example with a browser extension and several routers.


Imagine that we have a browser extension.
And we have a couple of specific websites with different routes for each other.
We want to declare these routes and be able to subscribe to them without being scared of false-triggers on other websites.


Since all the routes are atomic and routers are independent, we can easily create a separate router for each website and activate a specific one.

// @/services/
import { createRoute, createHistoryRouter } from 'atomic-router';

import * as routes from './routes';

const domain = '';

const router = createHistoryRouter({
  routes: [
    { route: routes.collection, path: '/collection/:collectionId' },
    { route: routes.asset, path: '/assets/:chain/:contractId/:assetId' },
    { route: routes.creator, path: '/:creatorId' },

export const service = { domain, router };
// @/services/
import { createRoute, createHistoryRouter } from 'atomic-router';

import * as routes from './routes';

const domain = '';

const router = createHistoryRouter({
  routes: [
    { route: routes.swap, path: '/swap' },
    { route: routes.createPoolFromTo, path: '/add/:from' },
    { route: routes.createPoolFromTo, path: '/add/:from/:to' },

export const service = { domain, router };

Then, we can create history instance and just attach it to the correct router:

// @/app/init.ts
import { createMemoryHistory } from 'history';

import { service as opensea } from '@/services/';
import { service as uniswap } from '@/services/';

const services = [opensea, uniswap];

// NOTE: Memory history is created instead of regular one
// Because websites usually intercept browser events
function createExtensionHistory() {
  const history = createMemoryHistory();
  const url = new URL(location.href);
  history.push(url.pathname + url.hash +;
  chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request) => {
    if (request.message === 'url.changed') {
      const url = new URL(request.url!);
      if ( === {
        history.push(url.pathname + url.hash +;
  return history;

export const initializeRouter = createEffect(() => {
  if (!( in services)) {
    throw new Error(`Service ${} does not exist`);
  const service = services[];
  const history = createExtensionHistory();
  return service.router.setHistory(history);

Don't forget to add URL change handler to your background process:

// Notify content script about URL changes
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function (tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
  // read changeInfo data and do something with it
  // like send the new url to contentscripts.js
  if (changeInfo.url) {
    chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, {
      message: 'url.changed',
      url: changeInfo.url,

Trigger initializeRouter on extension start and you're good!