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Data Fetching

In this example, we will demonstrate how to fetch data using chainRoute


Imagine that we have a classic "post page" situation.
We want to fetch our post on route open and show a preloader during fetching.
We also want to skip the next logic if we leave the route before loading is completed.


First of all, let's create our route, effect that'll fetch data and the store

import { createRoute } from "atomic-router";
import { createEffect, restore } from "effector";

const postRoute = createRoute<{ postId: string }>();

const getPostFx = createEffect((postId: string) => {
  return fetch(/* ... */);

const $post = restore(getPostFx.doneData, null);

Now we need to fetch post whenever postRoute gets opened (or updated).

We can use chainRoute for that:

import { createRoute, chainRoute } from "atomic-router";
import { createEffect, restore } from "effector";

const postRoute = createRoute<{ postId: string }>();

const getPostFx = createEffect((postId: string) => {
  return fetch(/* ... */);

const $post = restore(getPostFx.doneData, null);

const postLoadedRoute = chainRoute({
  route: postRoute,
  beforeOpen: {
    effect: getPostFx,
    mapParams: ({ params }) => params.postId,

The following is read as:

Whenever postRoute.opened/updated is triggered,
Trigger getPostFx with params.postId,
And open postLoadedRoute on getPostFx.doneData.

If you close postRoute during request, chainRoute will not open postLoadedRoute even if getPostFx will success.

Displaying preloaders

If you want to display spinner or skeleton preview, here's an elegant solution.

During loading, postRoute.$isOpened is true, but postLoadedRoute.$isOpened is false.

So, we can render page for the 1st one and display preloader for the 2nd one:

import { useStore } from "effector-react";

import { $post, postLoadedRoute } from "./model";

export const PostPage = () => {
  const isPostLoadedRouteOpened = useStore(postLoadedRoute.$isOpened);

  if (!isPostLoadedRouteOpened) {
    return; /* Loading */

  return <Post />;

const Post = () => {
  const post = useStore($post);

  return (

You can even create a loading queue (that's why it's called chainRoute):

import { createRoute, chainRoute } from "atomic-router";
import { createEffect, restore } from "effector";

export const postRoute = createRoute<{ postId: string }>();

export const getPostFx = createEffect(/* ... */);
export const getAuthorFx = createEffect(/* ... */);
export const getCommentsFx = createEffect(/* ... */);

export const $post = restore(getPostFx, null);
export const $author = restore(getAuthorFx, null);
export const $comments = restore(getCommentsFx, []);

export const postLoadedRoute = chainRoute({
  route: postRoute,
  beforeOpen: getPostFx,

export const authorLoadedRoute = chainRoute({
  route: postLoadedRoute,
  beforeOpen: {
    effect: getUserFx,
    source: $post,
    mapParams: (_, post) => ({ userId: post.authorId }),

export const commentsLoadedRoute = chainRoute({
  route: postLoadedRoute,
  beforeOpen: {
    effect: getCommentsFx,
    source: $post,
    mapParams: (_, post) => ({ postId: }),

// Post route is opened, nothing loaded
// Only post loaded
// Author loaded
// Comments loaded

This will allow you to precisely control which parts of the page to display.

Handling errors

Since chainRoute just triggers passed effect, you can just subscribe to its response directly:

import { redirect } from "atomic-router";

import { notFoundRoute } from "@/shared/common-routes";

  clock: getPostFx.failData,
  route: notFoundRoute,

Also, chainRoute has optional openOn and cancelOn parameters, in case you have a specific API:

import { split, createEffect, restore } from "effector";
import { createRoute, chainRoute, redirect } from "atomic-router";

import { notAllowedRoute } from "@/shared/common-routes";

const postRoute = createRoute<{ postId: string }>();

const getPostFx = createEffect(/* ... */);

// Split request result for public or private posts
const postRequestResult = split(getPostFx.doneData, {
  public: (post) => !post.private,
  private: (post) => post.private,

const $post = restore(postRequestResult.public, null);

// Will open only if post is public
const publicPostLoaded = chainRoute({
  beforeOpen: getPostFx,
  openOn: postRequestResult.public,
  cancelOn: [getPostFx.failData, postRequestResult.private],

// Redirect to notAllowedRoute if post is private
  clock: postRequestResult.private,
  route: notAllowedRoute,